You have two pieces of melba bone china how can you date them?
Melba bone china pieces made after 1891 will typically have a date mark. The date mark will usually be found on the bottom of the piece, and it will consist of a letter or number that corresponds to the year the piece was made. For example, the letter "A" would indicate that the piece was made in 1891, the letter "B" would indicate that the piece was made in 1892, and so on.
Method 2: Look for backstamps.
Melba bone china pieces will also typically have a backstamp. The backstamp will usually include the name of the manufacturer, as well as the country of origin. The backstamp may also include other information, such as the pattern name or the date the piece was made.
Method 3: Compare the piece to other known Melba bone china pieces.
If you have a Melba bone china piece that does not have a date mark or a backstamp, you can try dating it by comparing it to other known Melba bone china pieces. You can do this by looking at the style of the piece, the type of glaze used, and the overall quality of the piece. By comparing your piece to other Melba bone china pieces, you can get a general idea of when it was made.