Sea-Lice Home Remedy
Immediately Following the Sting
If you find out after you have been stung that sea lice are around, leave the water and remove your bathing suit. The suit could trap the sea lice against your skin and allow them to fire off more venom. You will also want to avoid rinsing off while still wearing the suit since the freshwater could cause more stings. Before you consider wearing the suit again, you will want to thoroughly wash and dry it to remove any remaining sea lice.
Removing the Sea Lice
Now it is time to remove any visible sea lice and their stingers. Anything is fine to do this as long as you do not grab them with your hands or use anything that will press them into the skin and cause more stings. If you have a razor and shaving cream available, shave them off. If not, you can use sand and a sea shell or the edge of a credit card to get the same effect.
Treating the Site
Taking a freshwater shower immediately after being stung is probably the first thing you will think of, but this is a bad idea. Fresh water can cause the stingers to fire more venom into your skin. Also, taking a bath will cause any remaining sea lice to float about and sting you on other parts of your body.
Instead, treat the affected site with white vinegar. Soak a towel and place it over the site for 30 minutes. This will provide relief from the pain and keep the stingers from firing. A lot of beaches, especially in Australia, have vinegar stations set up specifically for these stings. If you don't have vinegar available you can use rubbing alcohol, baking soda or lemon juice.
Further Treatment
The effects of a sting generally last one to two days, but that can vary based on the person. There are several methods to relieve the pain and discomfort; you may have to try various ones until you find the one that is right for you. Hydrocortisone cream can be applied to the site as needed. Some find relief by rubbing castor oil or aloe vera on the site daily.
Everyone will react differently to sea lice. If you are experiencing symptoms similar to a bee sting, see a doctor immediately. Likewise, if a child is stung on a large percentage of his body, take him to the doctor. Sometimes the site will not heal quickly or will become infected, at which time it is also necessary to see your health-care professional.