Jellyfish Sting Remedy
Apple Cider Vinegar
Resist the urge to wash the area of your body that was stung with soap and water. Instead, get some apple cider vinegar and liberally pour it over your body. The apple cider vinegar will neutralize the venom and prevent any further damage. Leave the apple cider vinegar on your body for at least 10 minutes.
Beach Sand
Throw some beach sand on the area that was stung. It can go right over the apple cider vinegar. The beach sand will help to draw out the toxins that are already in your body. Keep the beach sand on your body for at least 10 minutes. However, do not rub the sand into the area.
Hot Water
In your sink, get some water as hot as you can stand it without it being so hot that you will get burned. Pour this water over your body to remove the sand and apple cider vinegar. This will prevent any further damage. After this step, you just need to perform a little maintenance until the pain completely subsides.
Aloe Vera Gel
Use aloe vera gel on the part of your body the jellyfish stung. Aloe vera is well known for its healing properties. This gel can help speed up your healing process by a day or two. You may apply it as often as you like because it is all-natural and completely safe.
Seeking Medical Treatment
Some jellyfish stings can be quite serious. You will need to seek medical attention for these. These symptoms can include: nausea or vomiting, diarrhea and cramps. Also have a doctor look at your sting if you begin to feel weak or numb. There are two symptoms that may occur that would require you to call 911. They are trouble breathing and bleeding from the infected area that won't stop. Never wait to have these symptoms treated. They could be life-threatening.
A common myth surrounding jellyfish stings is that using urine can stop the sting. In fact, urine actually can cause even more stinging cells to be released. This would cause more pain, not relieve it. At best, you might get lucky and not have the urine do anything at all. In conclusion, urine will not help you if you get stung by a jellyfish.