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How to Stop Mosquito Itch Home Remedy
Apply ice to your itchy area. The ice numbs the area, taking away the itchy feeling. Hold the ice on the skin for five minutes. Reapply as often as necessary when you start feeling itchy.
Take an oatmeal bath. The oatmeal is soothing to the skin and can calm the itching. You can find oatmeal bath treatments at many drugstores.
Place calamine lotion on the itchy areas. Just dab some lotion on the affected areas to temporarily calm the itching. You can reapply as often as necessary.
Use antihistamine products. These come in both oral and topical form. Follow the directions on the bottle to decrease the itching.
Apply a hydrocortisone product. Rub the product into the affected area so that it is completely absorbed into your system.