Homeopathic Prevention for Mosquito Bites

Homeopathy is based on principles developed in Germany over 200 years ago. These principles are that "like cures like" and the "the lower the dose of medication, the greater its effect." Most homeopathic preparations are diluted with water to the extent that no trace of the original constituent can be found.
  1. Some Repellents Recommended by Homeopaths

    • Home remedies and natural remedies recommended by homeopaths for warding off mosquito bites include using essential oils, citronella soap, avoiding eating bananas, eating 1 tsp. of Marmite a day, or ingesting 100 mg of Vitamin B complex daily. However, these are merely natural remedies and not homeopathic remedies.

    Specifically Homeopathic Repellents

    • True homeopathic remedies are extremely dilute solutions of a preparation and there are none of these on sale specifically to repel mosquitoes.


    • Homeopathic remedies have not been proven by science to be effective, so if you are traveling in areas affected by such diseases as malaria, dengue or encephalitis, use a proven mosquito repellent and take any doctor-recommended prophylaxis.

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