Ingredients of Cutter Insect Repellents
DEET has helped repel insects such as ticks, mosquitoes, fleas and biting flies for decades. Cutter has several products which contain DEET, including All Family Insect Spray, Backwoods Cutter and Skinsations. Each formulation contains varying amounts of DEET. According to the CDC, DEET is an effective, long lasting insect repellent which provides protection from mosquitoes carrying the West Nile Virus, The percentage of DEET in each product determines the length of time that it provides protection. A product containing 6.65 percent DEET will provide approximately two hours of protection while a product containing 23.8 percent will provide approximately five hours of mosquito protection. You can use products such as the All Family line on children ages 2 months and up.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers DEET safe, provided that consumers follow the directions on product labels. Do not apply DEET on broken or irritated skin and don't spray it in enclosed spaces.
Cutter Advanced Sport and Cutter Advanced Spray/Wipes contain Picaridin, a DEET alternative developed in the 1990s. Picaridin, also known as KBR3023, has been used around the world since 1998. Picaridin has no odor, is not greasy, lasts for four to eight hours and is safe for use in children 2 months old and older. According to the CDC, Picaridin is effective in providing long-lasting protection from mosquitoes which may carry the West Nile Virus.
Lemon Eucalyptus Oil
Cutter Lemon Eucalyptus is a plant-based insect repellent containing oil of lemon eucalyptus. Oil of lemon eucalyptus comes from the leaves of the Eucalyptus citridora tree. Lemon eucalyptus has been in use since the 1980s. It lasts up to six hours and provides natural insect protection from mosquitoes and deer ticks. Products containing lemon eucalyptus are gentler on the skin than products which contain DEET and leave a light, lemony scent. According to the CDC, lemon eucalyptus provides longer lasting protection than other plant-based repellents. It is safe for use on children ages 3 and older.
Cutter Backyard Bug Control Spray Concentrate contains the active ingredient Lambda-Cyhalothrin. Cutter Backyard Bug Control kills various insects including mosquitoes, grubs, fleas, fire ants, ants, Japanese beetles, mites and deer ticks. This product is toxic to aquatic organisms and fish; use care when spraying Cutter Backyard Bug Control near ponds or water. To avoid potentially dangerous exposure, do not allow children and pets in the treated area until the product has dried. Direct exposure may cause redness or pain on the skin and eyes, and inhalation of products containing this ingredient may cause breathing difficulty, sore throat or convulsions.