What Is Octenol Attractant?
Octenol Attractant is an occurring by-product that evolves from plants and animals, including oxen and cows, who ingest large amounts of vegetable matter. This attractant is extremely attractive to insects such as mosquitoes, no-see-ums and biting midges.
Octenol Attractant is usually used with mosquito killing products such as Mosquito Magnet and Koolatron. The attractant will mimic human breath and attracts insects toward the trap where they will dehydrate and die.
Insects It Attracts
Octenol will typically attract most mosquito species like salt marsh mosquitoes, Asian tiger mosquitoes and other species such as black flies. Due to the climate and region, Octenol has been clinically proven to work better on the coast and northern regions of the United States. Another attractant, called Lurex, suits residents living in the southern region.
Replacing the Cartridge
Octenol is held in a cartridge that is fitted into the insect-killing device. After 21 days, the Octenol will go bad and needs to be replaced. The Octenol consists of a wax blend (which holds the consistency in the cartridge), but will evaporate after 21 days if not completely used.
Similar to most killing substances, Octenol can be harmful to humans if swallowed or not used properly. If it is swallowed, call a poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment. Sip on a glass of water, and avoid inducing vomiting unless told to do so by a poison control official or doctor. If Octenol is spilled on your skin, rinse promptly with water for 15 to 20 minutes and contact a poison control center.