Natural Mosquito Repellent for Kids
Natural Repellents
Natural repellents for children are available and often use oils such as citronella, lemongrass and rosemary. According to Planet Green, "Usually, natural insect repellents use the essential oils from plants as a base."
Tests show natural insect repellents to be less effective than formulas with DEET at keeping mosquitoes away for long periods. Recommendations are for users to apply natural repellents frequently.
Use clothing to protect kids from bites. Healthy Child Healthy World recommends that children "wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, closed shoes or boots. Tuck pants into socks... During daylight hours, wear light-colored clothing, which heats the skin less, minimizing insect-attracting perspiration..."
Scented Products
Use only body care products that have no fragrance on children. Healthy Child Healthy World advises, "Scented soaps or other fragranced products...may attract bugs."
Time of Day
Mosquitoes are most lively in the early morning and early evening. KidsHealth suggests that children "try to stay indoors at dusk and dawn, when mosquitoes are most active."
Protection at Home
Prevent mosquitoes from coming inside by placing screens on windows and doors. Empty standing water, clean gutters and change the water in birdbaths often to stop insects from breeding.