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How to Make a Mosquito Repellent
If you are going outside to enjoy a picnic or a game and you don't want to put one of those sprays in the market,use this.Try Listerine mouthwash.Fill a small spray bottle with Listerine and spray on benches or mats.
If you don't mind a little hint of garlic you can also try this.Heat 1/2 a cup of olive oil and add 4 cloves of garlic to it.Strain the oil.Add 4 tsp of petroleum jelly and 3 tsp of bees wax.Apply this as a lotion on your hands and legs.This mixture is said to get rid of mosquitoes for 6 to 8 hours.
You could also crush garlic and add 3 tsp of mineral oil to it.Let it sit overnight.Add this to 3 tsp of water and a tsp of petroleum jelly.Mix and fill it in a bottle.