Malarone Alternatives

Malarone is a powerful anti-malarial disease that helps the body overcome and suppress the symptoms of the dangerous disease. Malarone combines the forces of atovaquine and proguanil to treat malaria. This medication interferes with growth of the parasites that cause malaria. Tourists, to prevent malaria from occurring, also use Malarone. There are many alternatives to Malarone for the treatment of malaria.
  1. Alternative Medications

    • Fansidar is the brand name for an anti-malarial medication; combining sulfadoxine and pyramethamine this medication works differently then Malarone. Instead of interfering with the growth of malaria parasites, Fansidar blocks essential enzymes in the parasite causing it to die. This medicine is extremely powerful and requires only one pill per week. Side effects range from serious to minor. Gastrointestinal reactions such as nausea and diarrhea are mild, reported side effects. More serious side effects include seizures, pancreatitis and even anemia. Because the medicine is used to treat such a serious illness, it is to be taken with extreme caution and specifically to your doctor's instructions.


    • Mefloquine is another alternative to Malarone. Mefloquine is used to treat and prevent malaria. Mefloquine, more commonly known as Lariam, is used to kill mefloquine susceptible species of malaria. The most common side effects reported include dizziness, fever, headache, chills, skin rash, diarrhea and fatigue. Do not take this medication if you have an allergy to quinine. This medication is only used once per week. Follow the directions of your doctor for the safe use of this powerful medication.

    Amodiaquine and Chloroquine

    • Amodiaquine is a highly effective treatment for malaria. Amodiaquinine works by affecting the functioning membranes of malaria parasites; it is used to treat all strands of malaria. Like the other alternatives, this medication is used once a week. Side effects might include diarrhea, nausea, fatigue and abdominal pain.

      Chloroquine is historically the most widely used antimalarial antibiotic. It is the original form of malaria treatment; most malaria medicines are derived from its form. It is highly effective against most strands of malaria; however, chloroquine-resistant strands of malaria have developed. Chloroquine is often combined with amodiaquinine for the most powerful results. Blurry vision, difficulty focusing, muscle weakness, diarrhea, nausea, fatigue and abdominal pain are all reported side effects.


    • Doxycycline is one of the few non-quinine antibiotics used to treat malaria. From the tetracycline family of antibiotics, doxycycline, also known as Doryx, is an alternative medicine used to treat malaria, and is good for patients who are allergic to quinine. Though seldom, loss of appetite, vomiting, sensitivity to sunlight, and diarrhea are reported side effects.

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