How to Build a Mosquito Magnet
Things You'll Need
- Bottle
- Water
- Sugar
- Pan
- Spoon
- Knife
- Yeast
- Tape
- Paper
Wash out a 2 liter plastic pop bottle and allow to dry. Be sure to remove the label with warm water and dish soap.
Mix together 2 cups of tap water with 1/2 cup of sugar into a pan and heat on the stove. Stir the mixture with a wood spoon to help the sugar dissolve and mix with the water. You can use either brown or white sugar, but artificial sweetener will not produce the same results. Allow the water to cool down, but not go cold.
Cut the dry pop bottle in half, making the incision about two-thirds of the way up the bottle. Keep both parts of the bottle, but discard the cap. You can use a serrated kitchen knife or craft knife for cutting the bottle. Be sure to wear protective gloves.
Pour the warm sugar water mixture into the bottom half of the cut bottle and add one single serving packet of active dry yeast. If the water is still warm, there is no need to stir the yeast into the sugar water. It will dissolve by itself. The mixture creates carbon dioxide, which imitates the breath of a warm-blooded creature--a magnet for mosquitoes.
Turn the top half of the cut plastic bottle upside down and place inside the bottom half of the bottle. The top should sit above the liquid.
Secure the top and bottom of the pop bottle together with packing tape to prevent the trap from falling over or coming apart.
Wrap the entire bottle trap with black paper. Making the trap dark increases its attraction to mosquitoes.
Place the trap in a secure location outside and wait for mosquitoes to fly in and get trapped. Replace the sugar water mixture every two weeks or when the mixture evaporates.