How to Safely Use Deet Insect Repellents
When using deet insect repellents, always read and follow the directions and precautions on the bottle. You'll be thankful that you did. You should also never spray deet mosquito repellents on cuts, wounds, or irritated skin.
When you spray deet insect repellents, never spray them directly on your face. Instead, spray the deet chemical on your hands and then, using your hands, rub your face with it. Always keep the chemical away from your mouth and eyes.
Always keep deet insect repellents away from young children so that your children stay safe. Let your children know that they are not to touch any deet products in your house.
Don't overuse deet insect repellents, and only apply deet mosquito repellents over clothing and not under your clothes. You can spray the deet product on the skin exposed if you like.
When coming back inside, have a shower as soon as you can to rid your body of that deet insect repellent. If you can't shower, wash any treated skin with soap. Wash treated clothing as well before wearing them again.
Never spray deet insect repellents in enclosed areas. You can spray the product indoors with the windows wide open or outside.