Mosquito Bite Home Remedies
Baking Soda
One very common cure for the itchy mosquito bite is to make a baking soda-based paste. Baking soda is a great natural itch reliever, and it is also good for reducing inflammation of the skin. Simply pour 2 to 3 tbsp. into a bowl and add water to make a paste. Don't add to much water, as you don't want the paste to be runny. Then apply the paste to the affected area.
White Vinegar
White vinegar is not only a great natural home cleanser, but it is also good for mosquito bites, as it can relieve itch and is a natural disinfectant. Just dab a small amount onto a cotton ball and apply to the bite, or if you have numerous bites on your body, add 2 to 3 cups of white vinegar to warm bathwater.
The Banana Peel Remedy
Although it may sound a little strange, a banana peel can be very effective in treating mosquito bites. This is in part due to the potassium and various antioxidants that lie not only in the banana, but in the peel as well. To treat a bite simply take the peel and apply the inside of the peel to the affected area. This remedy is great because it is natural, easy and provides a healthy snack.
Along with the itch relief, lemons can also help to prevent infection, as they are also a great natural disinfectant. They also contain antioxidants that can help the skin repair faster. Take one lemon and slice it. Remove any seeds and apply the lemon slice to your bite for some citrus-infused relief.
Heat it Up
A hot washcloth or bath can be effective for treating the itch of a bite. Heat naturally draws out infection and foreign bodies under the skin. Thus, as the itchiness of a mosquito bite is caused by the saliva of the mosquito under your skin, a hot compress, bath or shower is great at drawing out the saliva and alleviating your pain.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is effective at fighting infection and is a natural anti-inflammatory treatment. It also assists in skin repair. You can find natural tea tree oil at most natural health food stores. To treat your bite, apply two drops of tea tree oil to the area.
If your bite has severe swelling and is accompanied by severe pain or fever, you should see your doctor immediately, as you may have a serious allergy or you may have contracted a serious disease. If you are traveling outside the United States make sure to research which countries, usually tropical areas, carry a higher risk of contracting a mosquito-borne illness.