| | Bites Stings | Mosquito Bites
How to Avoid Mosquito Bites
For the most part, mosquito bites are just a nuisance - they can, however, deliver viruses like malaria and encephalitis. The trick is to avoid mosquito bites altogether, a task made easy by reading the following steps and tips.Things You'll Need
- Athletic Socks
- Long Pants
- Long-sleeved Shirts
- Sporty Hats
- Mosquito Netting
- Permethrin Products
- Insect Repellents
- Avon Skin-So-Soft®
Wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. Tuck the pant legs into your socks and tuck all shirts in completely.
Cover up with a hat, preferably with ear flaps.
Consider treating your clothing with a product containing Permethrin, especially if you will be in a mosquito-infested area for a long period of time. The chemical will last on treated clothes for up to five washings. Do not spray Permethrin on your skin.
Generously spray the area around your ankles, and other exposed skin, with a repellent containing 30 percent DEET (diethyltoluamide). Lotions and gels are also available.
Repeat applications as indicated on bottle or tube.
Wash all skin exposed to repellent with warm soapy water after exiting a mosquito-ridden area.