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How to Kill Mosquitoes in a Car
Things You'll Need
- Newspaper
- Flyswatter
- Citronella scented car air freshener
Squish the mosquito against the car window, suggests PestControlRx.com. Make sure you've pulled over and stopped the car first.
Open a window, giving the mosquito an instant escape. The force of the moving air will cause a vacuum effect, sucking the mosquito out of the car and killing it in the process. Use your hand to help it along if needed.
Grab a newspaper or any flat, malleable object and swat the mosquito against the dashboard. If you have a flyswatter, use that to smash the mosquito.
Load your car with citronella scented air freshener and leave the windows open. The mosquito won't be killed by the scent, but will be repelled by it.