How to Spray for Mosquitoes in Louisiana
Things You'll Need
- Personal insect repellent
- Outdoor insecticide
- Mosquito and Gnat Scat
- Indoor pyrethrin spray
- Indoor automatic pytrethrin dispenser
Kill mosquitoes that enter your home with a hand-held spray device containing pyrethrin aerosol spray. This spray can be purchased at most home improvement stores. Spray lightly and as needed, as pyrethrin is safe for indoor use but may cause lung irritation if used excessively and inhaled.
Place an aerosol dispenser filled with natural pyrethrin spray near a door or window. You can purchase dispensers designed to release a small amount of spray four times each hour. These automatic pyrethrin dispensers are popular choices for restaurant owners and can also be used in homes in parts of Louisiana affected by standing water mosquitoes.
Rub personal mosquito repellent onto exposed skin before spending significant time outdoors in a mosquito infested area. According to pest control officials, DEET is approved by health professionals as safe and effective in repelling water-bred insects. DEET is a common ingredient in most over-the-counter bug sprays, but children and individuals with sensitive skin can use repellents with the natural alternative ingredient CedarCide.
Spray outdoor areas with a non-toxic mosquito repellent before outdoor events such as barbecues, birthday parties or picnics. One brand that can be used to spray outdoor picnic tables and lawns is Mosquito and Gnat Scat, which is effective against mosquitoes bred in standing water in Louisiana. Spray outdoor areas several hours before human occupation so that the chemicals have dispersed and are no longer concentrated.
Spray insecticide on the lower limbs of trees on your property, as well as your house foundation and the base of your porch. Reapply the spray every three weeks and never use indoors. Insecticides used for these outdoor purposes are more powerful than products such as Mosquito and Gnat Scat and should not sprayed directly on picnic tables or other spaces where people spend a great deal of time.