Most Effective Mosquito Inhibitor Systems
Citronella oils and candles work in two different ways. First, the smoke that they give off inhibits mosquitoes. The smell of the citronella is an effective deterrent as well. The downside is you may find with citronella candles is that these things tend to deter people as well. The range of a citronella candle will only be effective within the smoke and smell cloud. Citronella candles can be an effective method of warding off these pesky insects if deployed properly to cover a wide area.
The old days may be gone with sitting under the light of an electric bug zapper and being entertained with the satisfying sound of mosquitoes willingly flying to their doom. Ultrasonic mosquito devices join the technology age by emitting a piercing sound that mosquitoes can hear. This sound mimics the sound of the mosquito's natural predator, the dragonfly. Various sized devices claim to repel all mosquitoes up to 75 square feet. Wrist models working on battery power can even allow the ability to be mobile.
Bug Repellent Spray
Protect yourself when in the outdoors. Although having been used for years, advances in the chemical composition of mosquito bug repellents have increased effectiveness recently. The chemical DEET has proven to be the most effective chemical on the market. Any repellent you buy for your family should have DEET in it. DEET is also relatively safe; DEET has been in use for over 40 years and has a remarkable safety record. "Only few hospitalizations have been reported, mainly due to gross overuse," says Dr. Joe Conlon, technical adviser to the American Mosquito Control Association.
One of the newest mosquito inhibitors to hit the market in recent years is the mosquito magnet. This is a carbon dioxide device which uses heat, moisture and octenol. This machine lures mosquitoes in by mimicking what they think is human activity; once they get within range of the device they are sucked in and neutralized. Mosquito magnets work on propane so they are very portable and a great addition to camping trips and picnics.