| | Bites Stings | Mosquito Bites
How to Cover Mosquito Bites
Things You'll Need
- Antibacterial soap
- Paper towel
- Calamine lotion
- Cotton ball
- Adhesive bandage
Wash the mosquito bite with cool water and soap. This removes any leftover blood or dirt on the surface of your skin.
Pat the affected skin dry with a clean paper towel. Calamine lotion spreads easier on dry skin.
Pour a pea-sized amount of calamine lotion onto a cotton ball. Dab the cotton ball over your mosquito bite. The lotion reduces itching and provides your skin with a cooling sensation. Cover only the immediate area with lotion so your skin sticks to the adhesive bandage.
Cover your bite with an adhesive bandage. Repeat steps one through four each morning and night or more frequently if the bandage becomes wet or dirty. Continue covering the skin until the redness is gone and the bite no longer itches.