What Helps With Mosquito Bites?
Soap and Water
A mixture of soap and water washed over the bite area will immediately and temporarily stop the pain and itch until you can find a more permanent form of relief. The soap will also wash away any bacteria in the area.
Cold Ice and Water
Applying constant contact of a cold compress --- such as an ice pack or a towel doused in cold water --- over the bite will numb the area and reduce the need to itch.
Anti-Itch Medications
Most anti-itch medications found at any local pharmacy contain cortisone and will provide long-term relief to the mosquito bite. These creams and lotions are usually applied directly on the bite.
Homemade Remedies
You can also receive immediate relief using items that are readily available in most homes. Nail polish, underarm deodorant, honey, toothpaste, vinegar, rubbing alcohol or a hot tea bag placed directly on the bite will limit itching and swelling. Slightly more complex home remedies include mixing baking soda with water, crushed aspirin with water and salt with water. The thicker the mixture's consistency, the more easily the paste will adhere to the bite area without dripping off.
Topical Anesthetics
For more serious bites which cause serious pain and severe itching, look for a topical anesthetic that contains pramoxine. Two examples are Caladryl and PrameGel.
Other Remedies
You can also try natural remedies in the form of oils, fruits and leaves. Either squeeze lemon or lime juice or press a slice of either fruit over the bite. The inside of a banana peel rubbed over the area will give itch relief. Fresh basil or plantains crushed and applied to the bite will ease pain. Undiluted essential oils such as lavender, tea tree, cedar and witch hazel will provide help with mosquito bites. However, repeated uses of these oils on younger children isn't recommended.