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How to Treat Infected Mosquito Bites
Summer and mosquitoes go hand in hand with the heat of the season. They fly thick near water between dusk and dawn. The female needs blood for her eggs to survive, and usually we are the unfortunate targets for her meal. Mosquitoes carry blood-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever, malaria, encephalitis and West Nile virus, so a good mosquito repellent containing DEET should be sprayed on exposed skin before venturing out in the early morning or evening hours when these pesky critters feed. Often a mosquito bite may become so bothersome that we scratch it, and unconsciously scratch it in our sleep, until it becomes infected. Infected mosquito bites needed to be treated immediately.Things You'll Need
- Antibiotic ointment
- Infected mosquito bite
Treating Infected Mosquito Bites
Wash the red, sometimes weeping, mosquito bite carefully with soap and water and dab it dry with a clean paper towel. Although you may have a compelling urge to scratch the infected mosquito bite like mad, try not to as fingernails harbor all kinds of bacteria and may cause a secondary infection.
Apply a thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin to the infected mosquito bite and cover with a band aid to prevent knocking the already painful area.
Take an antihistamine such as Benadryl to quell the itching and reduce redness or welts, especially at night when unconscious scratching of the infected mosquito bite may occur. Caladryl may be applied after the infection has begun to heal to relieve the itch and reduce the swelling.