How to Ward Off Mosquitoes
Apply a repellent to your skin to ward off mosquitoes. Follow the instructions that come with the product you use, and take special care to heed all precautions and warnings printed on the product label. Make note of how often you should reapply mosquito repellent since many repellents lose their effectiveness over time. Use an EPA-registered mosquito repellent, suggests the Environmental Protection Agency.
Protect yourself from biting mosquitoes when you know you will be in an area where mosquitoes may be present by wearing appropriate clothing. Wear a long-sleeved blouse or shirt and long pants. Wear high boots if the temperature is not too high. If you cannot wear high boots, wear knee-high socks. To protect your face, put a net over your head and face. Since mosquitoes have the ability to penetrate lightweight clothing, apply a repellent to your clothes that has permethrin in it, as recommended by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Remove still water from areas around your home. Mosquitoes live and breed wherever there is stagnate water, so make sure the gutters on your house are not clogged, and make sure there is no stagnant water in any containers near your home. If you have a birdbath in your garden, remove the water from it every seven days and replace it with fresh water. Fill up pockets of water in the ground with soil. If you have a pool in your yard, make sure the water in the pool is conditioned and moving.
Keep mosquitoes out of your house by repairing any holes you may have in door and window screens. Also make sure you keep your windows and doors closed. Lessen the number of mosquitoes attracted by the lighting around your home by installing yellow lights made for this purpose. Do not apply fragrant products to your hair or skin, since mosquitoes may find the smell of these products alluring.