How to Treat a Parasitic Skin Rash
Things You'll Need
- Anti-inflammatory cream
Wash your body immediately after the rash appears. A dirty body and clothes attract parasites. A thorough shower or bath prevents new parasite bites and removes parasites currently on your body. This ensures no new rash formations or the worsening of the current rash. Gently clean the rash area.
Apply anti-inflammatory and anti-itch cream to the rash. This reduces the desire to scratch the rash, an important part of the healing process. Excessive scratching damages the skin and can potentially spread the irritants causing the rash. Avoid contact with the rash to aid the healing process.
Apply aloe vera to the rash when itching has subsided. Aloe vera soothes the skin and also infuses the skin with vitamins C and E, zinc and folic acid. These natural ingredients help heal the skin.
Wear clothes that allow air to circulate over the rash. For example, cotton and other natural fibers provide proper ventilation that aids the healing process.
Consult your doctor if the rash remains on your skin for several days. A prescription medicine may be necessary to heal the rash and remove any present toxins.