Cures for Wasps
Distinguishing Wasps from Bees
Your first step should be to make sure you're dealing with wasps and not bees. These two insects look somewhat alike. A wasp has a slender body with cylindrical legs. Bees have more rounded bodies and their legs are hairy. The most common types of wasps are yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets and paper wasps. Avoid wearing bright colors or floral patterns, if you look like a big flower, you might attract a wasp looking for nectar.
Locate the Nest
Locate the wasps' nesting site; the nests are usually small so they may be hard to find. The best time of year to try control wasps is in June. This is when the queen has established her colony and it's still small. Once you find the nest, approach it at night and douse it with an insect spray designed to kill wasps. Night is the best time to approach the nest because wasps can't fly well at night, especially if the temperature is below 50 degrees.
Yellow Jackets
If you find yellow jackets nesting on the ground, you can pour a soap and water solution into the entrance. Most types of soap will work, like dish or laundry soap. If you find this doesn't work, you can try an insecticide dust that's approved for lawn use. Apply the dust heavily and then cover the nest up completely with soil.
Hidden Nests
Some wasp nests are hidden in cracks and crevices, and the only way you know about the nest is if you see wasps flying in and out of the crevice. In this case, you can also use insecticide dust on these nests. You might need to drill small holes near the area to get the dust into the nest. Be sure to use an applicator so the dust will penetrate the nest.