How to Take the Itch Out of Bites
Things You'll Need
- Plastic knife
- Hydrogen peroxide
- Clean washcloths
- Topical anti-itch lotion
- Antibacterial soap
Inspect your skin as soon as you suspect that you encountered an insect. Try to determine the culprit.
Look for an embedded stinger. Rub a plastic knife across your skin and over the stinger to remove it. A stinger releases more venom when you pluck it with your fingers or tweezers.
Check for a series of one to 10 raised circular spots with center markings that indicate spider bites. Dampen a washcloth with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide and an equal amount of water and hold it over the spots. Spider bites are more prone to infections, according to pediatrician William Sears who maintains the Ask Dr. Sears website.
Observe your ear cartilage in a mirror, because bugs are especially drawn to that flesh. Also inspect an infants' legs and diaper areas; these are popular among fleas.
Apply a cold washcloth to any insect bite.
Rub a topical salve like hydrocortisone or calamine directly onto itchy skin. Expect tingling or burning if you rub anti-itch agents over skin that is punctured from scratching.
Trim your fingernails. Scratching tears the skin and intensifies the itchiness.
Infection Prevention
Wash itchy skin with warm soapy water two or three times a day, to prevent infection, especially with a spider bite.
Hold a hot washcloth against the bite mark for 10 minutes.
Moisten a cloth with a half-and-half mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water. Place the damp washcloth onto the site for two minutes and then rinse the area with plain water.
Apply ice if you experience pain.
Contact a doctor, if these steps do not produce relief after two days, a fever appears, or the itching or swelling restrict your activities. Physicians typically prescribe oral antibiotics or antibiotic ointments.