Dust Mite Classifications
Clover Mite
Clover mites are not harmful to humans in any way, although they can be rather annoying. They enter homes and buildings during the fall months because the vegetation they feed on becomes scarce. People who have house plants are more susceptible to clover mites. The mites are red, green and brown, and they have long front legs. The female mite doesn't need the male to hatch her eggs. These mites leave bright red stains when stepped on, and they like to hide out in drapes and carpets.
House Dust Mites
Two types of dust mites live in the United States: the American dust mite and the European dust mite. There is little difference between the two. They are a common allergen for people once their feces becomes airborne. These mites do not live on people, but on dander and flakes of dead skin from people and animals. Dust mites are found in mattresses, carpets, drapes, furniture and stuffed animals. Females lay up to 200 eggs each month.
Itch Mites
The itch mite cannot be seen with the naked eye, nor can people feel when they've been bitten. The mite, however, does cause a rash to appear on the skin. Other than being annoying, the bites of the itch mite are not harmful. This type of mite is found in barns and other outside places with straw, hay, and other types of grasses. This mite does not live on humans and does not enter human homes.
The Harvest Mite
This little mite is found mainly on the British Isles, but it can be found some parts of the United States. The larvae is the main concern for human beings because they feed on people. They are small but can be seen with the naked eye. Their colors are usually white, red or an orange color, and they can be seen crawling on the skin. Once a harvest mite has bit the skin, it hangs out there for four days until it drops off. The result is a nasty red welt.