Cures for Red Bugs
Before placing coral in your tank, use a magnifying glass to inspect the coral. If you suspect that the coral could be infected with a parasite, don't place it in your aquarium until you have attempted to remove the parasites. Take precautionary measures before introducing the coral to your tank. Watch the coral live solo for a few weeks to observe its overall health.
Dragonface Pipefish
Place a colony of dragonface pipefish in your aquarium. These fish eat red bugs. After they have become adjusted to the new surroundings, they will attach themselves to the coral and will do away with any pests in contact with the coral that may be haunting your tank.
Iodine Mixture
Purchase an aquarium iodine mixture from your local pet or aquarium specialty supply store. These mixes can kill pest infestations in mere minutes. After opening the mix, pour it into a clean container that will fit the coral completely inside. Remove the coral from your tank and place it in the mix. Let the coral saturate for 15 to 20 minutes. Follow the instructions on your package because you may be required to rinse the coral before placing it back into your tank.
Heartworm Medication
Heartworm medication, which can be purchased through your veterinarian is useful for killing red bugs. Consult with an aquarium specialist before using this product because it may negatively affect some of the fish in your aquarium. This method is known to kill all crustaceans, so if you wish to save some critters in your tank, either move them to a new tank, or administer the heartworm medication to the coral in a different setting.