What is the Envenomation Protocol?
Envenomation is the process of a poisonous venom from an animal reaching the bloodstream of a human being; usually a person is infected with venom by a bite or through venom reaching an open wound or the eyes.-
When a person is bitten by a venomous animal such as a snake or spider, the animal should be secured to ensure no other people are bitten. Where possible, envenomation protocols call for the species of animal to be identified.
Emergency services should be contacted as soon as possible to allow anti-venom medication to be found. Information passed on to emergency services should include location of the envenomation, symptoms and contact information.
Emergency first aid should be applied to the victim where possible by keeping him calm and as immobile as possible. The location of the bite should be discovered and the limb held below the victim's heart with a contracting strap applied to the limb between the bite and the heart.