How to Heal Insect Blemish Scars
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Water
- Bowl
- Cotton ball
- Washcloth
- Vitamin E
- Lemon juice
Mix one part baking soda with one part water in a small bowl. Apply the paste directly to your bug bite, using a circular motion, with a cotton ball or clean fingers. Allow the paste to dry, and wash it off with a wet washcloth. The baking soda will help remove dead skin from the scar, which will reduce redness and help the healing process.
Apply vitamin E oil to your scar and the skin surrounding the scar, using a cotton ball. Rub the oil into your skin, in a circular motion, for two minutes. Remove the excess oil with a clean cotton ball. Vitamin E helps reduce inflammation, which will help reduce the appearance of the blemish. The oil will also help remove dead skin cells and promote new cell growth.
Use a cotton ball to apply lemon juice directly to your scar. The vitamin C in lemon juice reduces inflammation while promoting new skin cell growth. Do not use lemon juice if your bug bite is an open wound, caused by scratching, because it will sting.