How to Destroy Great Black Wasps
Things You'll Need
- Protective clothing
- Insecticide spray or powder
- Fly swatter
Clearing a lawn
Early in the day, when wasps are still sluggish but plenty of light is available, search your lawn carefully for small burrows to assess the extent and location of the problem.
It might be warm, but covering up will protect against wasp stings. Dress in thick clothing, which offers plenty of protection. Tuck the cuffs of jeans, trousers or sweatpants into your socks. Put on sturdy gloves and tuck the sleeves into them to minimize skin exposure. For added safety, consider wearing a hat and perhaps a ski mask.
Wait until after dark, and use either external house lights or a flashlight to locate the target holes. Clear your lawn of any tripping hazards, such as children's toys, because you may have to retreat quickly.
Either spray or sprinkle insecticide onto the burrow, quickly saturating the area. Back off quickly in case the wasp rushes out to defend against your attack. Once it's clear the wasp is not coming out, move on to the next target and repeat the process.
The next day, see if any wasps are still evident. If none are seen, the job is complete. If some wasps remain, trace their flight path back to a burrow that may have been missed.
A wasp in the house
Do not panic. Running around will cause the wasp to feel threatened.
A flyswatter or even a rolled up newspaper is effective at killing wasps. Choose a method with which to kill the wasp, either a bug spray or a long-handled fly swatter.
Wait until the wasp settles on a surface or is flying in one area, such as the window. Use the spray to saturate the wasp from a distance, or get closer and hit the wasp with the swatter. Either method should be effective.
Carefully pick up the wasp, preferably with a gloved hand or tweezers, as the sting is still a threat even though the insect is dead.