How to Rid Your Home of Head Lice
Things You'll Need
- Lice treatment shampoo
- Vacuum cleaner
- Airtight bags
- Rubbing alcohol
Wash the infested family member's head with a shampoo containing permethrin. Wash the infested family member's head with a shampoo containing permethrin. This can be found at any drug store and is formulated specifically for head lice outbreaks. This shampoo will kill all of the head lice in the hair of the infested person if the directions are followed properly.
Wash all bed linens and clothes in your washer machine at extremely hot temperatures. If possible, reach at least a temperature of 130 degrees. This should kill most if not all of the lice contained in your sheets, blankets and clothes.
Put all washed bed linens and clothes in the dryer on high heat for 20 minutes or more. The high temperature should kill any remaining head lice.
Bring any clothes that cannot be washed or dried in high heat to the dry cleaners. Alternatively, store them in the airtight bags for at least 2 weeks.
Vacuum all carpeting and furniture, including beds, sofas and chairs. Use an agitating attachment to vacuum the carpet and a bristled attachment on the furniture, which will loosen any lice that might be stuck or hidden in small crevices.
Soak all combs, brushes and hair accessories that have been used recently in rubbing alcohol for one hour. The rubbing alcohol will disinfect the brushes and combs that might contain head lice.