How to Relieve the Effects of OC Spray
Things You'll Need
- Large bowl
- Cold water
- Mild, oil-free dish soap
- Washcloth
Fill a large bowl with 12 cups of cold water. Add four cups of mild, oil-free dish soap and mix them together.
Dip the affected part of your body into the soapy water and immerse it completely.
Keep the affected area in the water as long as you can. If you put your face in the water, only stay under the water for 10 seconds at a time.
Remove the affected skin from the water then dip it in again. Keep doing this until you can tolerate very slight pressure with a washcloth.
Wipe the affected skin clean with a cloth wet with the soap and water solution. Your skin will start to burn once you rub it with the cloth, so work slowly and gently.
Rinse your skin with clean water once you can easily touch your face. You will still have pain and discomfor, but not enough to prevent you from being touched while rinsing.
Alternate between wiping with the cloth and rinsing with plain water until you start to feel significant relief. This can take anywhere up to an hour depending on your skin type.