Home Cures for Lice
Petroleum Jelly
The Minnesota Department of Health suggests applying two ounces of petroleum jelly in your hair. Then cover the hair with a shower cap for eight hours. Wash the hair with baby oil in order to remove the petroleum jelly. This should kill all of the live lice and allow you to comb all of the nits out of the hair.
Machine Wash Materials
Medicine Net suggests that any material items such as sheets, clothes, bedspreads, towels and wash clothes should get washed on the hottest temperature in the washing machine. The hot water should kill all of the lice. Dry the laundry for at least 20 minutes in the dryer.
Mayonnaise can provide a home remedy to kill lice, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Rub mayonnaise throughout the scalp covering all areas. Put a plastic bag or shower cap over the head for a full day. Do this during the waking hours so as to avoid a suffocation risk. Then wash the mayonnaise out of the hair and comb out the dead lice and nits.
Plastic Bags
The Mayo Clinic suggests sealing all items that you cannot wash in plastic bags. Seal them tightly for four days. This will suffocate the live lice and new lice cannot live because of lack of food.
Heat Hair Products
The Minnesota Department of Health states that you should stick hair materials in hot water to remove the lice and nits. Put any combs, brushes, and hair ties in a bowl of boiling water. Leave the materials in the water for 10 minutes to make sure all the lice gets removed.