How to Sterilize With Rubbing Alcohol

When you receive a small wound or cut, it is important to sterilize the wound so that it does not become infected. Hydrogen peroxide is one common compound used to achieve sterilization. The other common compound is rubbing alcohol. Before you sterilize a wound or cut you should clean the wound to remove all debris that could still be inside. Never put deep cuts under running water, as this will result in extreme pain. Always seek immediate medical attention for serious cuts or wounds.

Things You'll Need

  • Gauze
  • Water
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Bandage
  • Paper towel
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    • 1

      Wet a paper towel and wipe all debris and dirt out of the wound.

    • 2

      Stop the bleeding by putting a bandage on the cut and applying pressure. Check every few minutes to see how much the cut is still bleeding.

    • 3

      Pour a small amount of rubbing alcohol on the gauze, then rub the gauze against the wound. This will sting, but will make sure the wound does not become infected.

    • 4

      Cover the wound with a band-aid or tape a bandage around it.

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