Human Mange Symptoms
The principal symptom of human mange is severe itching. Scabies mites burrow into human skin, where they feed on bodily fluids and lay eggs --- this causes the itching. People who are infested for the first time may not notice symptoms for up to a month, while those who have had scabies before may begin itching within a day or so. Mites often burrow into warm, moist areas, such as around the feet, wrists, pants waistband, genitals, between fingers and in the folds of elbows or knees.
As scabies mites settle in the skin, the host may develop a rash across her body. This rash can spread even to areas where the mites have not burrowed. The host may also develop oozing blisters. Check for red marks on the skin --- these are signs of where the mites have burrowed into the host's skin.
Severe Symptoms
Human mange symptoms can escalate from uncomfortable itching to something much more serious if left untreated. Skin infections such as impetigo --- infected sores and blisters that result from persistent scratching --- may develop, requiring antibiotic treatment. Though early stage impetigo is easily treated, serious bacterial infections brought on by over-scratching can be deadly. When too many mites infest the host's body --- thousands or even millions --- she may develop a layer of thick scales on her skin.