Why Are Wasps Deadly?
Wasps possess stingers which inject venom into their prey. A sufficient amount of wasp venom can kill an animal or even a human being.
Allergic Reactions
People allergic to wasp venom may experience a fatal reaction if stung. According to Dr. Adrian Morris of Surrey Allergy Clinic, a protein called Antigen 5 causes the allergic response.
Dangerous Situations
According to the Fumapest Group, yellow jacket wasps attack in groups, potentially inflicting hundreds of stings. A stinging wasp inadvertently swallowed with a beverage can cause suffocation from internal swelling.
In some cases, injections with small doses of insect venom can desensitize allergy sufferers from stings. The Insect Sting website states that this treatment must occur in a hospital to guard against a serious reaction.
The Fumapest Group warns never to remove a wasp nest yourself unless you have professional expertise and equipment. Dr. Morris recommends that allergic individuals carry antihistamine or adrenaline medication in case of emergency.