Chigger Skin Irritation
Chigger Bites
When a chigger bites a human, it attacks only thin areas of skin, such as you would find in your skin's wrinkles and creases. The chigger injects saliva into your skin as it bites.
Saliva Enzymes
The chigger's saliva contains an enzyme that breaks down your skin and liquefies it, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. The chigger then feeds on your liquified skin, not your blood as with other biting insects.
Skin Reactions
Your skin reacts to the chigger bite by creating a tubelike structure around the path of the saliva. This tube is called a stylostome, and it works like a straw for the feeding chigger and also irritates the surrounding skin.
The appearance of a red welt happens when the stylostome irritates the skin around the chigger bite. The itching occurs because of your body's reaction to the saliva and stylostome.
You would probably brush off the chigger when you feel the itch. Then you will continue to feel an itching sensation for a day or two after the bite occurs, and it will take a week to 10 days for your body to fully absorb the stylostome and the welt to disappear.