What to Use to Kill Biting Mites
Diagnosing the Problem
As stated previously, the easiest way to get rid of mites is to get rid of their hosts, which are typically rats or birds. You will have mite problems for two to three weeks after fixing the rodent or bird problem, as the mites can live off of humans for two to three weeks, but cannot complete their life cycle on us. This two-to-three week period may be too much for some people, as mite bites can last for a week or two. If you inspect around your home, and cannot find evidence of birds or rodents, you most likely have plant mites, which do not typically bite. Before jumping to spray the whole house with pesticides, realize that different pesticides will kill different types of mites, and jumping quickly to conclusions will probably yield poor results. Use the following products for your different mite problems.
Animal Infestation
If you believe you have mites from an animal, either a bird or a rodent, or even off of fleas, buy Tempo SC. This product will help with any inside-the-household mites. This will help to prevent mites from entering as well, so if you are in the process of dealing with either a rodent problem, or a bird nesting problem, you can spray this to help get rid of some of the mites.
Plant Infestation
If you believe that your mite problem originated from plants, buy Fruit Tree Spray. Do not use this product inside, and do not spray it on your fruits. You can spray it on leaves of a plant, but it is still a pesticide. Do not spray this product on vegetable plants at all, as they are fairly fragile and may die due to this spray. Use a concentration of safer soap to help deal with the mites on more sensitive plants.
Infestation Within Walls
A major issue is when you realize that you have mites in your walls, due to rodents or birds residing within them. The only way to deal with mites within walls is to use a dust to kill them. Buy Drione Dust, and spray it into the gaps in-between walls through access to an attic, or anywhere else where you can safely spray the stuff without knocking down a wall. This spray lasts for a little while and is pretty strong, so it should get rid of mites fairly quickly.