How to Get Rid of Skin Mites

Mites, or Sarcoptes scabei, can lead to a skin infestation known as scabies. Commonly referred to as a sexually transmitted disease, the infestation is transmitted by close skin to skin contact as well those living in the same household. The mite will burrow itself into skin laying eggs and defecating causing severe itching to the host. Small bumps, redness and swelling are also symptoms. Common areas for mites to penetrate the skin include wrists, ankles, between toes and fingers. The diagnosis of a scabies outbreak is confirmed by a skin scraping. Scabies can be treated by health care professionals.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot water
  • Soap
  • Prescribed medication
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      Bath in warm soap and water. Softening of the skin is required to allow skin to easily absorb topical treatments. Evening baths are recommended so creams and ointments can be used during the night.

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      Apply prescribed medication. The topical pesticide should be rubbed onto the skin from the neck down. Allow the treatment to remain on the skin for 8 to 12 hours before showering. Kwell, Elimite and Eurax are common products a physician may recommend.

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      Treat everyone in the household. Though not everyone may show signs of a mite infection, mites can harbor under skin for nearly a month before signs and symptoms occur. Occasionally a second treatment may be necessary. However itching can continue for up to a week even when the treatment was a success.

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      Wash all clothing and bedding in hot water. Insecticide treatment of the household is not necessary, as the mite cannot survive off of the human host for more than one day.

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      Observe for new infection areas. After treatment itching and redness will continue, up to three weeks. Itching should only occur in areas that were infected prior to treatment. If itching occurs in new areas of the skin, an additional treatment maybe necessary.

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