How to Kill Mites
Things You'll Need
- Air purifier
- Vaccum
- Plastic covers
Vacuum your home from top to bottom, including rugs, mattresses, and even box springs. Mites can hide in some of the smallest places, including the sides of your mattress. Use the attachments to your vacuum to remove mites from the hard to get areas like pillows and mattress sides.
Wash all sheets, pillow covers, blankets, and clothes in extremely hot water. Be sure to wash all clothing at least once every two to three weeks in order to avoid the mites reproducing and causing more problems.
Cover all of your clothing, mattress tops, bedding, or any other fabrics with an airtight plastic cover to avoid accumulation of dead skin cells in which some mites feed.
Lower the temperature in your home. Most mites enjoy a warm, humid environment and will actually thrive in those areas. By keeping the temperature lower than 70 degrees F and by keeping the humidity relatively low, you should be able to kill off the mite population.
Purchase an air purifier and place it in your home. This will help to reduce dust levels in the air in order to eliminate the food source of mites.