Parasitic Skin Rashes in Adults
There are many different species of louse, but only the head louse afflicts humans. Head lice are common and easily spread. The eggs and larvae are visible to the eye and are easily treated with over-the-counter lice shampoos.
In humans, mites tend to be temporary guests. They commonly infect birds, rodents and other mammals, but will feed on human blood if their normal hosts are not available.
These are the very same fleas that make your dog or cat miserable. They bite through skin for a blood meal and the resultant welts can itch and swell.
Bedbugs have been in the news lately--they have been turning up in some surprisingly fancy hotels. Bedbugs live in bedding and furniture, hopping onto your exposed skin for a blood meal. They don't transmit disease, but they do cause intense itching.
Scabies is caused by the Sarcoptes mite. It burrows under the skin and causes red welts. The welts usually appear on the webbing between finger and toes and cause intense itching.
Delusional Parasitosis
Delusional parasitosis is a psychological disorder in which people believe--mistakenly--that they are suffering from a parasitic skin disease. It is seen in habitual stimulant drug users.