About Wasp Stings
Wasps are among the stinging insects that belong to the order of Hymenoptera. Although wasps don't normally set out to sting people, they can be aggressive. When a wasp stings it injects venom under the skin. Unlike bees that sting once and leave its stinger in the victim, wasps can sting repeatedly. People who are not allergic to the wasp's venom will experience pain and discomfort from the sting, but are not in any severe danger. For those who are allergic a wasp sting can be very dangerous.
A normal reaction to a wasp sting includes pain, itching, redness and swelling at and around the site of the sting. People who are allergic to bee or wasp stings can experience anaphylactic shock (severe allergic reaction) which can be deadly and must be treated immediately with epinephrine. Symptoms of a severe reaction include:
Abnormal swelling
Stomach cramps
Difficulty breathing
Difficulty swallowing
Flushed appearance
Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat)
SeizuresA person experiencing a severe reaction needs medical treatment immediately or death may occur.
People who are aware that they are allergic to bee or wasp stings should always carry an emergency kit with them when they are outdoors and may be exposed to stinging insects. The emergency kit contains an injection of epinephrine that the person may administer to himself. Epinephrine acts quickly to reverse the effect of anaphylaxis. Epinephrine can only be obtained by a physician's prescription.
If a wasp nears you don't swat at it. Just remain calm and stay still. They are more likely to sting you if you swat at them or start screaming and moving around. If there is a wasp nest near your house don't try to remove it yourself. This could prove very dangerous. You could risk getting stung several times. Contact a pest control service to remove the nest.
It is always best to avoid wasp stings if possible. If eating outdoors, keep food covered as much as possible to avoid attracting wasps. Keep garbage containers tightly closed. Always wear shoes outdoors to avoid accidentally stepping on a wasp. When planning to spend the day outdoors avoid using hair spray or wearing perfume since wasps and other insects are drawn to the scent.
People who are not allergic to wasp stings can treat the sting with ice to reduce swelling and over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or Motrin. A paste of baking soda and water can be applied to the site of the sting to alleviate itching. A paste made with meat tenderizer and water can also be applied to the skin to reduce pain, itching and irritation.