How to Get Rid of Scabies
Things You'll Need
- Cream for killing scabies
- Washer
- Dryer
- Vacuum
Go to the doctor if you have a horribly itchy rash that won’t go away. Sometimes you can actually feel them crawling around under your skin. They tunnel. They are most attracted to the warmer and more moist areas of your body, but if you get a bad enough case they can spread all over. The constant scratching may cause the bites and sores to become infected too, so you may be put on a round of antibiotics along with the topical creams. They are even more active during your sleeping time at night so you are likely to spend a lot of sleepless time while you are infested with the wee beasties. They are nasty and persistent. As small as they are, they can make you feel like you are being tortured with itching. You can catch them from simple contact with an infested person or even contact with their clothing or bedding type items or stuffed animals. Everyone is susceptible even if you are a very clean person. The doctor will most likely prescribe a tube or two of topical cream, maybe enough for two coverings if the first round doesn’t work.
Take all your clothing off and literally cover every area of your body with the cream. Use it liberally. It is potent medicine and it works well. Don’t hold back. It is not a pleasant cream but it works. Do not get any near your eyes or mouth. You want this cream everywhere below your neck. Don’t plan on going anywhere for the prescribed amount of time the cream is supposed to stay on. When the prescribed time is over you can shower and wash off the residue of the cream. Once you get scabies you have to deal with them because they are so contagious. No one will want you around. If you go into an emergency room with scabies and they know or suspect you have them, they will most likely isolate you.
Strip your bedding and wash all bedding, clothing, pillows and so forth with hot water and detergent if you can. If the fabrics will be ruined on hot, make sure you use a hot drier if possible. Wash stuffed animals too if they can be washed, or put them in pillow cases and throw them in the dryer on hot if possible. Vacuum all bedding and chair surfaces, even the floor areas where the affected person has been. Some people put non-washable items in large plastic bags, seal them and leave them there for a few weeks so the scabies die. They need to feed on you to reproduce.