How to Soothe a Sting
Put money on it. That's right, a bee sting or mosquito bite will stop swelling and itching if you put a penny on the bite. Wet the skin and hold a penny on the bite for about two minutes. The swelling should go down and the itching should stop. This works well right after you get bitten, and even later when you accidentally scratch that spot and it itches again.
Cover it up. Many old time remedies still apply. Cover the bites or stings with a paste made from mud and water, baking soda and water, aspirin and water or just plain old ice. Most of the time, these remedies can relieve the swelling and cool the bite.
Soothe it with Vick's Vapor Rub. This rub can be used in a variety of ways. Rub some into your pressure points, wrists, ankles, behind the knees, elbows and back of the neck to help keep bugs away. Rub some into the bites or stings and the itching vanishes immediately.
Take an anti-histamine. Many times after being stung or bitten, people have an allergic reaction that a anti-histamine will help by reducing the swelling, redness and pain.
Put out a do-not-disturb sign for the insects. Keep the perfume and cologne for the nights you go out to dinner. Add zinc to your diet. Many people who become insect feasts are deficient in zinc. Try adding Brewer's yeast or odorless garlic to your diet, also.