How to Relieve a Scorpion Sting
Things You'll Need
- Water
- Soap
- Baking soda
- Ice pack
- Acetaminophen
Wash the sting and the area around it using warm water and soap. Pat the area dry after washing. Do not rub your skin when washing or drying to avoid further irritation.
Mix baking soda with just enough water to form a paste. Allow the paste to stay on the sting, exposed to air, until the paste dries and hardens. The baking soda helps to draw the poison out of the sting.
Apply a cool compress or an ice pack to the scorpion sting to numb the area for pain relief. Apply the compress or ice every couple of hours for 10 to 20 minutes at a time.
Take acetaminophen to relieve the pain of the scorpion sting. Follow package directions carefully for dosage. Avoid aspirin and ibuprofen.
Monitor the sting for adverse reactions. If swelling or pain persists despite your attempts at relief, or if breathing becomes difficult, see a doctor immediately.