How to Help a Shark Attack Victim
How to Help a Shark Attack Victim
First off, call for help before going into the water. Be cautious when entering the water, especially as you near the area of the attack. If there is blood, than it is likely that the shark will return or that others will come to the area.
If the victim is still under attack when you reach the site, help him or her fight off the shark by striking it in the eyes, snout or gills with a hard or sharp object. Use whatever is within reach (rocks, seashells, etc).
Help the victim escape the water quickly and as calmly as possible. Try your best to control any bleeding by tightly wrapping the wound and applying pressure to it.
Once the victim is safely taken ashore, wrap him or her in a blanket to help prevent/minimize heat loss. Keep the victim as calm as possible.
Call for assistance immediately and do not move the victim while waiting for help to arrive. The victim should be examined by a medical professional no matter how insignificant the wounds may seem.