How to Avoid a Rattlesnake Attack
Rattlesnakes are found throughout most of the continental United States and are extremely dangerous and poisonous snakes. Avoiding a rattlesnake attack is the best defense you have against one of these creatures and the following steps will tell you how.Instructions
Identify a rattlesnake. The colorations, markings and features of a rattlesnake can be very similar to that of other snakes in the area. However, one major distinguishing factor is the rattle located at the end of the tail of the rattlesnake. By identifying this rattle, you have in turn identified a rattlesnake.
Know what time of year you are most likely to run into a rattlesnake and where. These snakes usually hibernate during the cold winter months and are extremely active during the spring and summer months. Anywhere there is a forest, a rattlesnake can be found and usually lay under dead trees and other cool locations.
Dress appropriately. Boots are the best for your feet if you will be spending a large amount of time in a forest. If you own snake bite boots, wear these. Long sleeve shirts and pants are also necessary for a trip into the woods. This attire will not allow a rattlesnake a clear attack area if you stumble upon one.
Act properly when in an area where rattlesnakes may make their home. Do not stick your hands anywhere you can not clearly see, do not sit on a log or stump without checking first, and always hike or enter the woods with a buddy.
Obey warnings. If you hear a rattlesnake's rattler, you are too close and the snake is attempting to warn you. Immediately retreat from the area.
Stay calm if you encounter a rattlesnake and move away from the snake quickly. Keep in mind the striking distance of the snake as well when attempting to get away from it. Rattlesnakes can strike the same length as their body. When moving away from a rattlesnake, the safest thing to do is move in the opposite direction of the snake.