What Type of Insect Bites Leave Dried Blood?
Mosquitoes are a pesky blood-sucking insect that can also spread a variety of diseases such as malaria. As the mosquito sucks blood from humans and animals, it secretes a substance that keeps blood from clotting while the insect is feeding. This will cause the blood to keep flowing after the animal has been smacked or has flown away. As a result, dried blood can sometimes appear around the bite area.
Horse Fly
A horse fly is another type of blood-sucking insect that can leave dried blood in the area it has bitten. A bite from a horse fly can be quite painful, and saliva the insect secretes can cause an itchy patch to form on the skin as well as a small, fluid-filled lump.
Ticks can often leave dried blood on the spot the insect has bitten, especially on animals. A tick will embed itself into the skin of its host and feed until it becomes engorged. A human will usually find the tick and remove it, but pulling the tick from the skin will usually cause a small bit of blood to appear. On an animal, the pesky insect may stay for weeks while it feeds. If the animal scratches at the blood-engorged tick, the tick may bust open and leave quite a large amount of dried blood in the area.
Other Blood-Sucking Insects
Other biting insects which suck the blood of humans and animals can include deer flies, black flies, biting midges, stable flies, lice and sand flies. All of these pests can leave dried blood in the area of the bite, especially if they leave the area before they are finished eating and blood seeps from the bite, or if they are killed as they are biting the host.