How to React When You Disturb Hornets' Nests

Hornets are a type of wasp closely related to and resembling yellow jackets, according to National Geographic. While the majority of the approximately 20 species of hornets are found in tropical parts of Asia, these stinging insects can also be found throughout Europe, Africa and North America. Hornets are social insects that live in community hives dominated by queens.They are considered pests and potentially dangerous by many because they aggressively defend their hives by using their stingers. Reacting quickly after disturbing a hornets' nest will help you prevent excessive stings and potential allergic reactions.

Things You'll Need

  • Long-sleeved shirt
  • Long pants
  • Socks
  • Shoes
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  1. Preventative Measures

    • 1

      Dress in long-sleeves, long pants, and socks and shoes if you will be in an area with hornets' nests.

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      Skip bright colors, flower prints, and shiny jewelry and accessories. Stick to grey, white and tan-colored clothing.

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      Avoid wearing heavily scented lotions, soaps and scents that may attract the attention of the hornets.

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      Don't play loud music or make loud noises near the hornets' nests.


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      Raise your hands to protect your face in a slow, calm manner, and move away from the hornets' nest slowly as quietly as possible to avoid attacks and stings.

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      Don't swing, strike or run since fast and sudden movements may provoke an attack and painful hornet stings. Hornets, unlike some other insects, have a lance-like stinger that can sting multiple times.

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      Treat any hornet stings with meat tenderizer or an over-the-counter ointment for hornet stings.

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      Take oral antihistamines or apply antihistamine ointments to reduce hornet sting reactions.

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      Talk to your doctor about your reactions. If you have serious reactions to hornet stings, consider a desensitization program in an allergy clinic, or the purchase of a medical kit to carry with you in case of future allergic reactions to hornet stings.

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