Gnats That Are Attracted to Fruit

A pesky swarm of gnats can have you flailing your arms in the air. Gnats come in many types, from those that feed on blood to those that just like sweet things. Many gnats carry disease. A ripe piece of fruit left on your counter can be an invitation you don't want to make.
  1. Black Flies

    • Black flies are a kind of gnat called "buffalo gnats." They mostly feed on blood of livestock and other animals, but the male black fly supports itself on nectar and is attracted to fruit and flowers. A piece of fruit left on a counter is an appealing meal. The male gnat is small, only 1/16 inch, and has a hunched over appearance. The end of it body is often swollen and gray.

    Gall Gnats

    • Gall gnats are small with long legs and antennae. They lay their eggs often on decomposed vegetable, fruit, and plant matter. If one finds its way into your house, it can lay eggs on open fruit or house plants. These types of gnats can also destroy potted plants.

    Dark-winged Fungus Gnats

    • Dark-winged fungus gnats are much like mosquitoes. They can be black, brown, or yellow and grow in decomposed organic matter or rotting wood. The eggs are laid individually and hatch about three days later. Once hatched, they congregate in dark areas of a room. They can swarm to the fruit on your counter and also damage houseplants.


    • Midges are gnats also known as "blind mosquitoes." They are aquatic and lay eggs and hatch in shallow pools of water. Almost 3,000 eggs can be laid in one mass that takes two to seven weeks to hatch. They become attracted to decomposing matter in water such as pieces of fruit you might leave in the sink.

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