What Is Propyl Alcohol?
All chemical compounds use a specific nomenclature for consistent identification. The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has a widely used nomenclature that is employed worldwide. Proper nomenclature eliminates ambiguity, giving a precise identification of the chemical being discussed. The nomenclature for propyl alcohol is propanol, sometimes called n-propyl. Isopropyl alcohol, a closely related substance, is 2-propanol.
Propyl alcohol is most commonly sold in the form of isopropyl alcohol, which is used as an antiseptic to kill germs in open wounds. It is commonly known as rubbing alcohol and is sold in bottle form or as alcohol swabs. Propyl alcohol is also used in small quantities in cosmetic products, such as hair spray, cream rinses, lotion and lipstick, as well as in shampoo, deodorant and nail polish.
Propyl alcohol is a clear liquid. If swallowed, isopropyl alcohol may cause abdominal pain, dizziness, lethargy or a feeling of extreme tiredness, low blood pressure, nausea and even coma. If you accidentally ingest isopropyl alcohol, call your local poison control service for assistance and seek immediate medical attention.
Propanol is produced in chemical labs as a by-product of manufacturing methanol, which in turn is created from a combination of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Colorless, flammable and fragrant, it is produced as a solvent for chemical manufacturing of cosmetics and pharmaceutical drugs.